Breed and gender ID?


Jan 9, 2016
Hello BYC! I finally joined! I have a new chicken that was a friend's daughter's class project to raise from am egg. She gave our to us about 5 weeks ago, so I am placing the she at about 9 or 10 weeks old. I am posting some pics to see if anyone can help worth the breed and gender. Name is Goldie which can go either way! Total sweetheart!
If your age is correct, it is definitely a mixed breed rooster.

However, to me it looks around twenty weeks old to me (you rarely get such a red comb unless they were a minimum of 16 weeks old). !

Hope that helps.
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Could be a mixed breed cockerel,could we see some other pictures of your flock? I feel like that if this is a cockerel, then it would be hen-feathered, as it lacks sickle it does not have the normal body shape of a male and its tail feathers not have the normal curve.
Pics of the flock won't help because Goldie was given to us by a friend whose daughter raised it in science class. The teacher knew nothing g about breeds! But here is another picture.
If the bird is only 10ish weeks old, it's too young for hackle and saddle or sickle feathers. Those usually start around 13 weeks or so, sometimes not til 4 or 5 months depending on the breed.

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