Breed and gender? Rescued chick and no idea of either.


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2016
We are getting this little chick tomorrow from a friend who rescued it when her neighbor decided to just turn it out after its two companions died from neglect. She has no idea about breed, says the neighbor thought it was a pullet, but after his treatment of it, I don't trust anything he says! I'm most interested in breed, but would love to know gender because I am hoping for a hen as we lost two over the winter to hawks.

Also, I think it's maybe 2-4 weeks old? Can anyone tell me a better age guess? Thank you so much!!!
It's about a week old. There are a lot of white feathered breeds/mixes. It doesn't look stout like a meat bird but maybe a white Rock. Time will tell.

Are you able to get some other chicks? A single would be horribly lonely.
It's about a week old. There are a lot of white feathered breeds/mixes. It doesn't look stout like a meat bird but maybe a white Rock. Time will tell.

Are you able to get some other chicks? A single would be horribly lonely.

Thank you for your reply! We would love to get some other chicks, were hoping for 2 from the Easter bunny to replace the 2 we lost. Unfortunately, the places around us that have chicks (namely tractor supply, but also some agways) adhere to the 6 or more rule. Our current coop can't accommodate the 10 chickens that would give us, so we decided to just roll with the 4 we had left. This was a total surprise. We are looking into ordering another, but I'm hesitant to order just 1...but don't want more. What a dilemma!

We do plan on keeping this little one in its own small coop and run parallel to our existing coop and run. So they can get used to each other (I've already looked into how hard it can be to introduce just one new chicken into an existing flock) and also give the chick some part time company when our older ladies are around. Would that suffice for company if we don't get another?
Life finds a way, it's not as if the chick will die of loneliness. It's just not ideal.

Other ways to get just a couple chicks: there are threads in the social section here so you can find other chicken people in your area (some of whom have probably been hatching). I've gotten just a couple that way. Or, I've heard you can buy fewer than six at farm stores if you tell them you're buying them for snake food.
Life finds a way, it's not as if the chick will die of loneliness. It's just not ideal.

Other ways to get just a couple chicks: there are threads in the social section here so you can find other chicken people in your area (some of whom have probably been hatching). I've gotten just a couple that way. Or, I've heard you can buy fewer than six at farm stores if you tell them you're buying them for snake food.

Good news! I suddenly remembered a girl I went to high school with (we chicken people tend to reconnect lol) was trying to hatch some chicks this year and she has a bunch available. Loneliness solved! Thanks so much again.

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