Breed Barbezieux roo with Spanish White Faced hen?


6 Years
Jun 26, 2016
Naples, FL
I have two young Barbezieuz cockerels. I have a chance to buy 2 Spanish White-faced hens. Would it make sense to breed these two together? Or would I be simply confusing a gene pool and making an undesirable mix?

Thanks for any insight!
I would probably sell them or some of their chicks, but I would specify that they are a white-faced/Barbezieux mix. They look an awfully lot alike.
Both all black with large white "ears" or faces. It looks very much like the same breed of chicken, but one that originates in Spain and one from France. I imagine that the real breeders keep them separate. I don't want to be a breeder's nightmare by mixing the genes. But I happen to have a chance to get hens for my two cockerels, so even though they're not exactly the same breed, I may just breed them and sell them as a mix between two very similar breeds.
You decide what you want to do! If you think it would be a cool mix that you could enjoy or sell, I say go for it!

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