Breed characteristics, which breed is most intelligent?


6 Years
Jan 8, 2017
I'm asking as a newbie. I've only had my chicks for about 24 hours but of course I have been watching them obsessively. I have a French Black Copper Maran, Cream Legbar, Swedish Flower and Heritage barred rock. Im learning there is a difference between regular barred rocks and heritage. I thought I could definitely pick a hen but the breeder said that doesn't really work for heritage rocks. Oh well Im hoping for hens.

Anyway, I got off track. I feel like after watching them for this first 24 hour period that there are definite differences between the breeds. For instance, my FBCM is a little piggy, eats, eats, eats. Next its my BR that eats alot and the swedish and the CL not so much. The swedish and CL are very adventurous and athletic. First to zip around real fast, flapping they're wings and jumping. First to get on top of MHP, first to hop up on the roosting bar and first to figure out how to use the nipple waterer. They are super curious, looking all around and pecking at everthing. Every dot needs to be explored.

The barred rock and Marans not so much :) They kind of eat, sleep, and watch what the others do before trying. In this short video clip you can see that my swedish and CL easily mastered the nipple waterer and finally the barred rock has figured out there is something very interesting going on over there but cannot quite figure it out. He keeps pecking at the waterspots on the cardboard that makes up the sides of the brooder. Then he is totally baffled when the other chicks hit the nipple and water drips on his head.....he still hasnt really figured it out. Now the marans wandered over pecked at some of the crumbles I placed to lure them to the waterer but never picked his head up from eating to notice there was water. I'm going to give it another hour but if the barred rock and Maran dont figure it out Ill have to put the other waterer back. I don't want them to dehydrate they are only 4 days old.

So which in your flock is smartest, most adventuresome, most laid back etc? Im curious.

Here is a clip of the swedish and CL using waterer and the BR that is confused:
I didnt have the icon to post the video clip before so here it is:

The smartest hens I have ever had are my game hens. They are not at all like a "laying" hen. They have not lost their broodyness, nor their mothering abilities. They seem to be more tuned into what's going on areoun them, and what's going on in the air. Predators don't seem to catch them as often as they catch laying hens.

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