I have had a very astounding discovery- I'll start from the top. I have two broody hens and no rooster. I ordered some fertilezed eggs for one and, on a whim, let the other keep her eggs even though its IMPOSSIBLE for them to be fertilized, right? Well today I was candleing my fertilized eggs and ,also on a whim, candled my unfertilized eggs. Well, my jaw slowly dropped as I realized the "infertile" eggs looked fertile!
. I checked with the candleing charts over and over and they still look fertile. Here are the possabilities I have thought of- 1.there are lots of ducks, pheasants and songbirds around my area, are any of those geneticly close enough to a chicken to breed with one? 2. There is another chicken farm right up my street that does have a rooster and they let all thier chickens free range once in a while, could the rooster escaped, wandered down to my place and "done his job"? 3. These chicks are pure miracles.
This is all exiting and great but my I am MOVING in two weeks. To a place where chickens are legal until someone complains and the more chickens the higher the risk that will happen. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I could realy do with some advice.
This is all exiting and great but my I am MOVING in two weeks. To a place where chickens are legal until someone complains and the more chickens the higher the risk that will happen. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I could realy do with some advice.