now that all my bantams are 5 weeks old, lets play the Breed game
I will put what I think it is, and if you all could tell me if I am right
#1 ( Pullet Red Cochin Bantam---and cuddle bug)
#2 (Pullet SILVER Sebright Bantam-Miss loud mouth and escape artist)
#3 (porcelain d'uccle bantam-Pullet...layed back)
#4 (My ONLY ROO? Old English Bantam...but not sure on color)
He is in back ground

Thank You All In Advance

#1 ( Pullet Red Cochin Bantam---and cuddle bug)

#2 (Pullet SILVER Sebright Bantam-Miss loud mouth and escape artist)

#3 (porcelain d'uccle bantam-Pullet...layed back)

#4 (My ONLY ROO? Old English Bantam...but not sure on color)
He is in back ground

Thank You All In Advance