Breed Recommendations


11 Years
Mar 26, 2012
Woodstock, CT
My son and I want to get into raising backyard chickens and I was wondering what breeds would best for our situation. First off we will be raising them in Syracuse, NY so the winters get pretty cold. My son will be 6 and I also have a daughter who will be 3. What breeds are best with children? The breed I am most interested in right now is the Silkie Bantam. It seems as though they'd do ok in our location from what I've read. Just curious as to what other breeds would be great for children to raise.
Welcome from Watertown! I have six chickens, Plymouth Rocks, Silver Laced Wyondottes & Buff Orpingtons, that all are great for our cold weather. Mine are all so friendly but the Buffs are extra nice for kids.
First of all you want to make sure which ever breed you decide on that it can tolerate the cold & is hardy. Then for which purpose other than being a pet you want it to fill....egg/meat. When I was in the decision process I made a list of my likes(breeds) and what would be good for the climate in my area and them narrowed it down by whether or not if they where docile, did well being confined, free ranged, got broody or not, size/color of egg. There is a breed list on the site someplace that lists all characteristics of each breed. Hope this help in your decision making!
Orpingtons are AWESOME!!! especially the Roos!! and Sussex. Both of these breeds are very sweet and personable and they love people!!! LOL
I have 10 Buff Orphington's, the ones I have are very social little critters. Whenever I am in their run cleaning waterer or putting out more feed or just checking on them, they crowd around my feet and if I squat down they are up on my knees or attempting to get on my shoulders before I know it. I pick mine up daily and look them over and it does not seem to bother them in the least.
My son and I want to get into raising backyard chickens and I was wondering what breeds would best for our situation. First off we will be raising them in Syracuse, NY so the winters get pretty cold. My son will be 6 and I also have a daughter who will be 3. What breeds are best with children? The breed I am most interested in right now is the Silkie Bantam. It seems as though they'd do ok in our location from what I've read. Just curious as to what other breeds would be great for children to raise.

Welcome to BYC!

We raised an EE last year and he was very sweet with the kids, and even the cats! I was so sad when he turned out to be a roo, and we had to give him away. I noticed that the EE's weren't great in the heat, but the man at the feed store told me that they were very cold hardy, and would lay straight through the winter. I live in KY now, but was born and raised in NNY, and still remember how cold those winters are. So based on what I was told, I'm thinking the EE's might be a good fit for your situation and climate.

Good luck with your new chickens!

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