Breeding Coronation Sussex


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 3, 2011

I just bought a beautiful Coronation Sussex pullet. I would like to know the quickest way to breed pure without a Coronation Rooster? I have a Lavender Orpington and I am getting a Light Sussex Rooster. Would it be possible to breed one of these roosters to her and then breed one of her sons back to her?

Thanks and God Bless,

I would think the only possible way to breed pure would be back to a coronation rooster. I guess its possible if you have a light sussex with the coronation gene to produce some coronation.
if you bred the light sussex rooster to her, the first generation would be split sussex (this is what my breeding chickens are - split - out of 11 eggs, i got 3 coro's, or 25% roughly), and they would all look like light sussex. when you breed a pair of light sussex together, you get 25% coro's (which are full coro), 50% split and 25% light.

so, you'd have to wait until the 2nd generation to get another coro
Use the light Sussex rooster. If you use the Orpington it would be crossbred. The light Sussex is just another Sussex colour so you would get either a light or a corrination

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