Breeding question bantams w/ standard sized chickens?


12 Years
Mar 3, 2010
I've searched through google but just come across 'breed guides' and I'm just curious if you have a male bantam would he be able to breed with standard sized chickens? Or visa versa??? Thanks!
That's crazy! Thank you
Do the resulting chicks then come out somewhere between the two sizes?
It's perfectly possible, I used to have some. I called them three quarter chickens, because they were 3/4 the size of regular chickens with a few feathers on their feet. They lay perfectly normal eggs, are good mothers, and are all around cute chickens. (But then again, aren't all chickens cute.) Once I get my banty flock established, I intend to get me some three quarters again.
Oh that's so awesome
We're finishing up our coop today (I'm trying to take good pictures/directions of what we're doing for the coop design page) and will be getting some chickens today if we finish it up soon enough. I MISSED having chickens so much, they ARE all cute! So fun to watch, easy to take care of and have the added bonus of making us breakfast! LOL We'll be getting some RIR's and some Barred rocks as well (they're the easiest to find locally) but I'm hoping to get a naked neck as a center piece (they are the ugliest/therefore cutest chickens I've ever seen LOL) but have always loved the look of sebrights but was worried about getting any sort of bantam for fear there would be a problem with X breeding (I didn't know if they could but shouldn't etc.) I think we'll end up with a very INTERESTING small flock!!! Thanks so much!
Your program will be like a box of chocolates, you never know what you will get

LOL that's the plan, I enjoy surprises!

Possumhunter - they're ADORABLE!!!! I can't believe how CUTE they are!!!! I just want to come over and give them some love!

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