breeding to egg period?


9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
Bedford co. PA
My narragannsett tom has been giving it to my bronze/eastern cross for the last few days, how soon should i expect to start finding eggs? they free range from 8 am to 4, then i put the flock in the barn.
My Bourbon Reds have been laying for over a month. If they are free ranging, it is possible that they are already laying. You may have a hard time finding the nest.
You will never know unless you lock them up. Turkeys are very sneaky when it comes to finding there nest. I did not think mine where laying yet. I watched them all day long. I never found a nest. I locked them up and clipped there wings because I knew it was getting close to egg laying time. The next day I had 3 dozen eggs.
My pinned birds started laying this week but the free rangers have been laying a few weeks. I find them here and there laying around.
In southern areas they do lay much more. There was a member here on BYC from Thailand close to the equator and they said theirs laid year round. One of the big factors in laying is the lenght of day and the further south you go the less change there is in the daylight hours.

I have nothing to do with the laying. It's all up to them. Steve is the expert, so I go with what he says.

Today 5:51 amJmiller429 wrote:
kuntrygirl how do you manage that?
In southern areas they do lay much more. There was a member here on BYC from Thailand close to the equator and they said theirs laid year round. One of the big factors in laying is the lenght of day and the further south you go the less change there is in the daylight hours.


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