

7 Years
Jul 17, 2012
When I look at the breeds section on the website and I use the filters, what are the parameters for temperatures? What are the websites definitions of cold and hot? I'm just trying to figure out what would be a good breed for us. We live in Alberta, Canada (near Edmonton) and we usually get a cold snap in the winter and a heat wave in the summer, so our temperatures can fluctuate a lot. It can get up to 35 degrees in the summer and -35 degrees in the winter (Celsius) but also feel colder or hotter depending on other factors, however our averages are less extreme than that. Anyway, we are going to keep our birds over the winter (we will winterize their coop) and we want egg layers. Suggestions are welcome.
Ihaven't had luck with this system either.

Go to Mypet chicken. com and at the bottom left is a chicken selector. IT is fun to use. Just know it's not a perfect system. But a good starting place.
When I look at the breeds section on the website and I use the filters, what are the parameters for temperatures? What are the websites definitions of cold and hot? I'm just trying to figure out what would be a good breed for us. We live in Alberta, Canada (near Edmonton) and we usually get a cold snap in the winter and a heat wave in the summer, so our temperatures can fluctuate a lot. It can get up to 35 degrees in the summer and -35 degrees in the winter (Celsius) but also feel colder or hotter depending on other factors, however our averages are less extreme than that. Anyway, we are going to keep our birds over the winter (we will winterize their coop) and we want egg layers. Suggestions are welcome.
The Chantecler was developed especially for Candians. It is a white bird. 30 years after the White Chantecler came along, another breeder developed the Albertan. Specially developed in Alberta for the Canadian farmer. Tho it was developed as a separate breed , unrelated to the Chantecler, it was so close in type, the APA designated it as the Partridge Chantecler.
Great breed. Here's the Club website:
Database of breeders:
Best Regards,
Karen in western PA, USA
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The only consideration you might need to make in breed selection is single comb size. Large single combs tend to freeze easily in cold temps, but even that can be dependant on housing. Temps where I live can range from 100 to -25 f and the ossasional frozen comb is the only temperature related problem I've ever run into. I've raised tiny Game Bantams, Jersey Giants and everything in between.

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