I have 4 chicks(2 pullets and 2 cockerels) who have been inside since they hatched the Wednesday of Labor Day(so almost 9 weeks). They've gone out on one trip for about 20 minutes and seemed to do fine. I've never used a heat lamp with them and our house is generally about 55°F. I want to put them out when I get my new(er) coop fixed up and get my older flock in there. My father(who is a little more experienced with chickens) says that they won't survive and even if they did it wouldn't be fair. He's urging me to sell them(or at least 3 of them) but I don't know how I would at this point and I don't see how that would be any better for them. So I'm determined to do whatever I can for them, and I'm just wondering if they would be okay outside. It gets to about 20° at the coldest right now and this week it's only supposed to get down to right around 30° at night...
Any advice or whatever is greatly appreciated!
Any advice or whatever is greatly appreciated!