Brinsea mini Eco temperature issue.


6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
I recently purchased brinsea incubator and the eggs are in there for past 4 days. The temperature is driving me nuts . According to brinsea manufactured thermometer the reading some times goes up to 38.00 and some times it goes down to 37.00. As the eggs are in there early development and I already have tried to adjust the temperature , I am so worried and not optimistic about getting them hatched as there has been fluctuation on temperature.
Has anyone experienced that the red light starts to flash even at 37 not at the set temperature that makes me think that the brinsea is waste of money . Any thing I can do to sort this problem out as there are 9 chicks developing .
I have read that fluctuation in early stage of development can damage the embryo and even they hatch they have disabilities. I am freaking out here . I was so excited to hatch the eggs and was happy that out of 12 there are 9 chicks in the eggs .
I started to candle these eggs at day 3 and what I could see at that day was heart beating with some veins , at day 4 the veins have grown long and there was a small black eye.
Today is the day 4 the eyes have grown a bit large and the embryo is moving .
I have come that far with the eggs and now just thinking about either the chicken dying or forming disabilities , is impacting my sleeping pattern .
Please share your stories if you have been through the same situation as I am going through and what was the outcome at the end.
Many thanks
the temperature going from 37 to 38 is PERFECTION!

Really, that is perfect, wonderful, great!

Your Brinsea is holding the temperatures so wonderfully constant!

Really, truly.

My half busted #$#%^@ incubator that I used last spring spiked up to 40 at least twice. I still had a few hatch (though yes, most died). The ones that did hatch were in great shape and are growing very nicely.
yes, but i have 2 extra digital thermometers in the incubator and one of them is telling me 37.9 which is on top of eggs and the other which is on bottom base in incubator 36.9 . on other hand the brinsea is telling me 37.5 . do not know who to trust . lately the brinsea temperature control seem not to be working as it goes down sometimes by 0.3 .
I just don't think that any of those temperature differences are enough to care about.

If you read through some of the incubation threads most incubators fluctuate much more than that.
But I think that there fluctuation might have occurred one to two times but with me it's a lot more times here with this incubator. You might not believe I stay awake until 6 in morning as nights time the temp fluctuate more
yes, but i have 2 extra digital thermometers in the incubator and one of them is telling me 37.9 which is on top of eggs and the other which is on bottom base in incubator 36.9 . on other hand the brinsea is telling me 37.5 . do not know who to trust . lately the brinsea temperature control seem not to be working as it goes down sometimes by 0.3 .
I know this is an OLD post, but I am sure others are still finding it, looking for answers and suggestions. How did this hatch turn out?

From my experiance I have found that there ARE very different reading depending on where your thermometers are. It sounds like your incubator was reading the temperature about the middle of the egg. I wouldn't be anywhere near as worried about the temps as you seem to be, especially if they go down. Getting to hot for to long can cook the egg but being to low will only possibly slow down growth while it is lower. I am glad that I saw my broody laying on her eggs before trying the incubartor. My hen was a first time mom and she would sometimes get off her eggs for several hours. I was stressing about it, but my daughter pointed out the weather was in the 80 and 90s so they weren't in much danger of getting to cold. But I had read many people saying that had to take their hen off the eggs to make them get a drink and eat and here mine is wandering all around hanging out with the others for an hour or 2 a couple times a day. All her eggs hatched. So when it came time to use the incubator I was only worried about temps getting to high (don't get me wrong - any time it dipped more than a degree or so I stressed but not as much as I likely would have if I hadn't observed her).

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