Brinsea Octagon 20-Help with humidity


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Cody, WY
I have had to add 1/4 c water every other day so far, could i put sponges in the troughs?? or would other material work ?? Any suggestions would be great. My humidity dropped to 18 during the night, added 1/4 c water and up to 31 now , REALLY REALLY want this to be the best hatch for me!
What are your humidity readings on average? Areyou sure your hygrometer is accurate? Do you have the vent opened or closed? Are you filling both troughs? I have never had a humidity problem where it was too low, but I have had it too high.
My vent is half open for air exchange, I have 2 hygrometers, one is a caliber III digital (for cigars) supposedly has advanced humidity sensors maintains accuracy for 5 yrs, and an acurite in which I calibrated and is 3% off , they are both running very close! the low is 18 and high 33 after adding 1/4 c water. Actually the first time I only filled 1 trough this last time I split the water 1/8 c in each trough, maybe that was my problem???????
I have two of those exact same bators.. i fill one trough most of the way full for incubation for most things.. that keeps me in the mid 40's...

I'm in Texas and we have really low relative humidity.. so unless you're sitting in a desert somewhere I can't imagine it dropping that low
Fill up both troughs and close the vent more to get the humidity you need. When is lockdown?

When lockdown time comes, you might have to add padding for extra moisture, but for now, just find the correct balance by figuring out how much water you need in the troughs, and where you need to have the vent set at.

Is your climate really dry? We have very humid weather here, and my last hatch, I couldn't add any water, and my humidity was over 50%. The hatch went well though.
Live in WY dry definitely, will close vent to half of what it is now, lockdown is on 9/5/11 will keep constant vigil till I get it right:)
Thanks for all your help , heading down to basement right now to close vent
OK PROBLEM FOUND!!! I did not have the lid clamped down shut, I heard a definite "locking" sound and then knew that was my problem!!! Thanks again for all your help .

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