Brinsea Shipping-??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
Hi Everyone,

We just gave in and ordered the Brinsea 20 directly from Brinsea online.
The strange thing is,it was 42.00 shipping,but it had no shipping options nor did it tell you WHAT method they use to ship!lol
As I went through the screens I kept thinking,well sooner later it will,but nope.
Then about 5 minutes I got the receipt in my email,and under shipping method,it says..NONE..
Has anyone bought directly from Brinsea?
Thanks so much
Edited this because I wrote the shipping amount wrong...
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It's priority shipping. I've ordered a couple things off the site and both came at 3 days right about. Oh and if you email them and give your order details, theyre pretty quick about responding and telling you when they shipped and when you should expect to recieve it.
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At least for that amount it will be here soon then!
Strange they don't have it on the website or when you are checking out..
We found it finally ,with uhh the help of another BYCer and it says

Shipping prices are for deliveries within the Continental US by UPS Ground Service or equivalent.
They charged us shipping separately for the bator and the egg turner it looks like

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