Broody hen not sitting on eggs

Top Rooster

7 Years
Aug 16, 2015
North East Oklahoma
I have a broody hen who's been broody for a week on un fertilized eggs but I just got some fertilized eggs and I separated her into a large box with the nest eggs and food and water but she won't sit on the nest she just stands there puffing up and making broody noises
give her a chance, you have upset her whole life right now. The infertile eggs you may as well pitch. If I move a hen or give her more eggs, I do it at night. she Stays calm, and doesn't seem to notice the change. Those fertile eggs will be just fine until she gets things figured out. Mine was on and off the whole time and she hatched every one. Problem was, other hens were adding eggs while she was out running around. She wound up with a total of 23 eggs, most weren't even fertile since I put that mean a-- rooster down. I got the fertile eggs from a neighbor. Just let it happen, you can't force her to sit.
I separated a broody hen from the flock about a week and a half ago. I had to move her during the day and she panicked at first and jumped around the cage. Then I remembered having read that broodies like dark, "secret" places. I put a thick blanket over the cage, leaving only a small "window" for ventilation. She calmed down quickly with that and sat on the eggs. Has been sitting on them ever since, in total "broody trance".
I woke up this morning turned the light on and ther she was sitting on her eggs. Yesterday she was so stubborn that she stood in the nest she wouldn't even sit down
give her a chance, you have upset her whole life right now. The infertile eggs you may as well pitch. If I move a hen or give her more eggs, I do it at night. she Stays calm, and doesn't seem to notice the change. Those fertile eggs will be just fine until she gets things figured out. Mine was on and off the whole time and she hatched every one. Problem was, other hens were adding eggs while she was out running around. She wound up with a total of 23 eggs, most weren't even fertile since I put that mean a-- rooster down. I got the fertile eggs from a neighbor. Just let it happen, you can't force her to sit.
The visual of other hens adding eggs is just too funny! And 23 sounds like a huge pile for one hen to sit on!
I woke up this morning turned the light on and ther she was sitting on her eggs. Yesterday she was so stubborn that she stood in the nest she wouldn't even sit down

good for you. you learn something every day. I am still learning and have done this all my life. 53 years old now and counting.

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