ok so i got a new hen about 2 weeks ago but shes broody even after being moved shes broody i was wondering if i keep her in a wire floor cage if it will stop her from being broody and if she will start laying eggs again
never dealt with a broody and all I've ever read for advice is kicking them out of the coop and make them have to walk around with the rest of the hens
I break my broody hens by putting them in a wire cage. With food and water, no nesting material at all. It takes several days, sometimes a week, depending on the particular hen. I don't let her out until she stops acting broody, puffing up and making puck-puck-pucking sounds.
After that, it takes about a week for a hen to start laying eggs again. Sometimes a little longer.
This is my 3rd summer with chickens and I finially got a broody hen. I bought some eggs from a member here and now we are expecting. Funny how hard we try to not let our chichens act like chickens.
I am glad you posted that I was going to ask that as a question if you could break a hen from being broody I have one now that keeps wanting to sit on eggs I just run her out of the nest and get the eggs I just don't want anymore babies right now I got enough , (her friend went broody first and I let her have 6 eggs to sit on and she got 5 babies
out of them to keep any others I took from her I marked them all so I could tell them apart) I just don't want this one sitting on eggs right now
i think iv broken her from being broody everytime i would see her in the nest box i would pick her up and put her in the run with the other hens and she stopped being broody outside and she still does a little at night so i pick her up a and put her on the roost and today shes out with all the other hens eating and drinking and she goes in where the roost is and roosts but not laying in any lay boxes now