Broody Poo?!

Chicken Girl

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Ok so my first time broody and i let her out to go poo every day. And it stinks so bad! And it is green and white. Is that OKAY? She seems to be fine so i dont know if it ok or not. I know its going to smell but GREEN?! She will only let me let her out 1 time a day. So she will not go poo in the other 2 nest boxes! Is that normel? And i put 9 eggs under her. 2 of hers and 7 leghorn. She ATE one of hers and not the other?! So y is that? Oh yeah and i candelled day 8 and out of 8 eggs left 7 had babys!!! YES!! Sorry for all the Q! lol Thanks a bunch!

Chicken Girl
Green, smelly poo is normal.

Reeks, doesn't it? I keep my broody in a rabbit hutch in my attached garage, and I have to scoop out the poo every time she goes or the smell seeps into my house!

Kathy in Texas
I know it stinks so bad! She has been going poo in the coop and i put clean beding on it to make it stop smelling! LOL But to day she went out side and pood! YEAH! LOL

Chicken Girl

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