Broody Question


6 Years
Mar 7, 2018
South Florida
I have 2 Gold Laced Wayandotte eggs I placed in my bantam coops nest box hoping for one of the cochins to brood on. Instead I got an Old English Game Bantam who set on them immediately. I'm shocked they and her egg even fit under her to be honest. Do I leave her to it, or separate her so a larger cochin can possibly take over? I'm mainly uncertain if her considerable size difference might end up a problem later. She's my favorite hen, and a real sweetheart so I'm tempted to just let her be.
Leave her be. No sense kicking off a broody when you don't know if another will take up the post. If she's covering them, she'll be fine. You can move her when you want, but I think it's safer to wait a week or so and make sure she's committed to sitting. Then you'll want to do it after dark.
I have 2 Gold Laced Wayandotte eggs I placed in my bantam coops nest box hoping for one of the cochins to brood on. Instead I got an Old English Game Bantam who set on them immediately. I'm shocked they and her egg even fit under her to be honest. Do I leave her to it, or separate her so a larger cochin can possibly take over? I'm mainly uncertain if her considerable size difference might end up a problem later. She's my favorite hen, and a real sweetheart so I'm tempted to just let her be.
It's best to wait until you're sure you have a broody before putting out eggs for them.
I wait until 2-3 nights have been spent on the nest(no eggs needed),
then I move them to broody pen with fake eggs and another couple nights to make sure they're gonna sit tight,
then I give them fresh fertile eggs and start the countdown!

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