Broody Silkie still laying! **Update**


8 Years
Jun 19, 2011
I have a a silkie who started sitting on two eggs Saturday BUT today I found a new egg under her! She is my only hen so how can this happen and what should I do? I have moved her to a huge dog crate in the garage.
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Our broody silkie hen kept laying until we put her in her brooder coop! The other hens were bugging her and she wouldn't stay put. Once she went into the brooder she hasn't laid yet and that was like 3 weeks ago! Good luck!!
She is suppose to keep laying eggs. She will stop laying after she has so many eggs to hatch. At that time she will get serious and set the eggs (Incubate)
What I'm so worried about is that she only leaves the nest once or so a day, that I've seen, and fusses at me if I get near her. Wouldn't keeping laying new eggs mean they would hatch days apart?

I'm so new to this and she'd only been laying for about five weeks.
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My silkie did this wih her last broody period. She went broody on no eggs but a couple days later she layed an egg. then 2 days after that layed another. I then put 3 eggs under her and I marked them all. after that she layed 2 eggs (1 per day) but I marked the others with just a dot from a sharpie so I took the un marked eggs away. The chicks can live on their yolk for 3 days. If she is a good mom she would take the babies off the nest to eat by the 3 days thus leaving any unhatched eggs behind. If you offer her food right next to the nest she may not leave and just show the chicks how to eat then lay back down. Since she is young and this is her first broody and your only hen she probably will not be the best mom outa the gate but since she is a silkie there is hope. Also if she just started laying then she is laying pullet eggs and these are so small there is often times complications and they do not develop right. Most breeders or knowledgable people recommend waiting till she has layed for a few months before trying to hatch any of her eggs.

Also if she is your only hen do you have a roo?
Is it possible other hens are laying eggs in her nest and she is collecting eggs? or could she be stealing eggs from other nests?
Hope you figure it out
Thanks for the responses. She had only been laying for 5 weeks before she started this. I was actually shocked at how big her eggs are, I expected them to be smaller.

Yes, we have two roosters and trying to decide which to keep. They are hatchery birds and out of 7 only got 1 hen and as I said down to 2 roosters. That was definitely disappointing!
She has not laid another egg, hopfully she won't.

2hot2chicken, are you saying I should take the eggs away from her?

Here is a photo of one of her eggs I had in the fridge compaired to a regular store bought large egg:


Edited to add: I just candled and two definitely have veining in them! The other one might be the one she layed late Monday. So.... I guess I'll just let her do her thing and hope for the best.
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