Broody Turkey Question


9 Years
May 3, 2011
Central Ohio
Royal Palm Hen, just hatched out chicks two weeks ago. Today she is laying eggs again. Will she set on these new eggs if she's raising checks already? Should I pull the eggs so she can concentrate on her babies?
Royal Palm Hen, just hatched out chicks two weeks ago. Today she is laying eggs again. Will she set on these new eggs if she's raising poults already? Should I pull the eggs so she can concentrate on her babies?
I had a Royal Palm hen that started laying approximately one week after hatching out her clutch. She turned out to be a terrible mother and her poults were adopted by another hen that had not yet hatched her clutch.

If you leave the eggs, she will probably go broody on them and ignore per current hatch. Being broody is hard on a hen's body. Yours needs time for her body to recover from her current hatch.

I recommend taking the eggs from her. Make sure that she has oyster shell available. Providing her with a high protein turkey or game bird starter will also help her body recover faster.
She is being a great mom. She only has three to take care of. I was just shocked to see the eggs under her again. She laid 10 but broke more than half before they hatched. Then only four hatched.

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