Broody Turkey Thread!!!

That's awesome could you post some pictures of the broodies
im curious too, my bourbon reds are all broody but my narangansetts seem to have no interest

Hi xmonster0...I see you are from Colorado, and have Narragansetts, too. It is still getting into sub-zero temps at times here, and the turkeys are only about 8 months old, which I imagine would factor in. Our tom is in almost permanent display mode, but the girls show no interest at all. In fact one of them delights in going behind "Jerry" and pecking his butt which causes immediate deflation. :)
It's still early in the year I'm sure they'll come around when it's time.
I have a broad-breasted white hen that's about 8 months old. We 'spared' her from Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner but gave our 2 toms the ax. She began laying eggs for us a couple months ago but then a few weeks ago she went broody on 3 EE eggs and a mystery-breed brown egg. So far she hasn't left the nest with the exception of a few minutes each day. Anyone who says broodiness has been bred out of commercial breeds is incorrect. :) We'll see how good of a mama she'll be when they hatch. She weighs about 50 pounds so hopefully she won't crush them, lol.

On a funnier note, we built her her own super-large nesting box but she insisted on using one built for the chickens. I swear she thinks she's a chicken! She's managed to cram herself in there and can back out to eat. It's quite comical!!

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