After losing 3 to hawks, my husband, son and I closed in the area
behind the barn to prevent predators from taking any more.
So, of course I had to replace the 3 I lost..... (=
2 White Leghorns, 1 Delaware, 1 NH Red, 1 Barred Rock
and 1 Barred Rock/Buff Orphington cross. (who is one pretty
Would go get more but the only other posts are 3 hours 1 way lol!
behind the barn to prevent predators from taking any more.
So, of course I had to replace the 3 I lost..... (=
2 White Leghorns, 1 Delaware, 1 NH Red, 1 Barred Rock
and 1 Barred Rock/Buff Orphington cross. (who is one pretty
Would go get more but the only other posts are 3 hours 1 way lol!