Brown Leghorn, Comb Looks Dry


7 Years
May 14, 2012
One of my girls recently molted (I believe) but didn't loose a lot of feathers. Shortly after her feathers started growing back, her comb began to shrivel up and look dry. I've attached some pictures. Is she doing ok, or should I worry about this?


One of my best laying girls stopped laying about 3 weeks ago. I noticed at first that she had a little cough, and right before she stopped laying she laid an egg right on the floor of her pen instead of in her nest box. Her egg didn't seem nearly as nice as her usual ones and she had pecked at it. So now, 3 weeks later, her comb has shrunk quite a bit and appears to be shedding skin?? Her comb/wattles have white flakes. I thought it was signs of molting, although she is only about 7 months old and so far no sign of loosing any feathers. So not sure what's going on?? She eats/drinks fine, explores the yard with her flock and does her usual chicken thing. Any ideas what is wrong with her? No mites or lice that I can tell, I have only 4 girls and I clean their house once every 2 weeks and they free range.
I'm not sure what is going on!!

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