I have a 4 month old Buff Laced Polish Rooster for sale to good home. I originally bought him as a 4H project so he is friendly and used to being handled. He is good with other chickens, kids and dogs. Because of his head feathers he sometimes gets spooked by things, but other than that he is pretty calm. He currently lives in a 10ft x 20ft run with a chicken house attached, and on sunny days he has the run of the yard (1/2 acre). I hand raised him as a day old chick from the Monroe Farm & Feed (NPIP certified) and he is a healthy chicken.
- 4-5 lbs when fully matured
- They are tame but their behavior can be a bit wacky since their crest limits their vision
- Polish are sweet, beautiful exhibition birds and can be good layers in the backyard flock, but they're not reliable
- Friendly, quiet
Let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you more information and answer questions about him! I can send you pictures as well through e-mail if you would like?
Seattle Area, WA
I have a 4 month old Buff Laced Polish Rooster for sale to good home. I originally bought him as a 4H project so he is friendly and used to being handled. He is good with other chickens, kids and dogs. Because of his head feathers he sometimes gets spooked by things, but other than that he is pretty calm. He currently lives in a 10ft x 20ft run with a chicken house attached, and on sunny days he has the run of the yard (1/2 acre). I hand raised him as a day old chick from the Monroe Farm & Feed (NPIP certified) and he is a healthy chicken.
- 4-5 lbs when fully matured
- They are tame but their behavior can be a bit wacky since their crest limits their vision
- Polish are sweet, beautiful exhibition birds and can be good layers in the backyard flock, but they're not reliable
- Friendly, quiet
Let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you more information and answer questions about him! I can send you pictures as well through e-mail if you would like?
Seattle Area, WA