Buff Orp cockeral- Middle TN


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
Nugget was hatched out in early February. He is starting to feel manly and is aggrevating the girls now. Plus, I'm worried that rooster wars will break out soon. So Nugget needs a new home.

Nugget is going to be a strappin' lad. Daddy is HUGE and is a great rooster. Very, very good to his women and very protective. Nugget has been watching this since birth so he should know what to do.

This is daddy. Nugget looks a LOT like him.

I'm asking $10 for him. If you want the pullets he has been running with I can set you up with two pullets and the roo for $50. Both girls should be laying soon. They are wyandotte/orp cross and should be excellent layers. My wyandottes and orps laid all winter.

I am near Murfreesboro. I can meet up with you in the greater Murfreesboro area or in Franklin.
i luv my buff orps and i really need to sell one but i cant find a buyer either.. its hard so heres a bump...
well where you located and how much for him and the other person have a flock of bos please tell where and how much.thank you I am in dickson tennessee

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