buff orpington chicken eggs


5 Years
Sep 12, 2014
hi everyone new to chickens and keeping up with the egg production, but after 23 weeks i have started to get some laying.
question, i got these chicks at the same time, but only one seems to be laying? was i wrong to think they should start together.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Buff Orps can be late to mature. 23 weeks is actually early so you are getting treated to eggs early! :) Orps can wait until they are 6 months or more to begin laying and some like yours, will start early. Each bird matures at a different rate. So let them grow a bit. The later they lay, the healthier the birds will be to lay them. Many times early layers have problems with laying...soft shells, stuck eggs, prolapse, ect... So it is best for them to lay later.

Make sure to get all of them on layer feed now and some oyster shell on the side if they need more calcium

Congrats on those first eggs! Enjoy your flock and welcome to our roost!
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

X2 on TwoCrows. Dual-purpose breeds like Orpingtons generally take between 5-7 months to begin laying.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourslef at home and we are here to help.

I've raised buff orps for many years now. Mine have always started late. The earliest I ever had one start was 5 months. But the usual is around 6 and a half months.

Watch for signs of egg laying. Squatting, red faces, large combs and wattles, singing and nest box examining are all signs that the eggs should be coming out soon!


Pink face with large comb and wattles

Nest box examination

Make sure they have feed, water and calcium.
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thanks for the info. i was starting to worry that i may have health problems. i love chickens they help me rethink retirement now , iv, been retired from public schools for 4 years and they make the days better, again thank so much.

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