Buff Orpington - Is this a rooster?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 13, 2014
Edinboro, PA
This is my first time keeping chickens. Please excuse my coop -- it's cleaning day, and they're almost ready to move out of this little coop to their new big house and run! :)

I got all my buff orpingtons at the same time and they're about 9 weeks old. I'm noticing one of them is much bigger and has a different body shape than the others. I'm hoping I have 3 hens and 1 rooster here, not 3 roosters and 1 hen (YIKES...!)

^^ Here, the bigger one in question is on the left. The others are all smaller like the one on the right.

^^ Here, it's the one on the right.

^^ Here, again, it's the one on the right that's different than the others.
At 9 weeks old a male chick should start having a fairly red comb and red wattles (although smallish). I don't really notice that in the pictures...have you noticed it? The one may just be faster maturing and shaped differently. It's normal. Or maybe she's top pullet and hogs more food.

They're pretty! Orpingtons are the best!
Thank you! I would love it if they were all hens!! We bought them strait run and attempted to wing sex them (HAHA) but being total novices it was really guessing!

I have not noticed any more red on any of them than what you see in the pictures... so hopefully you're right!

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