Buff Orpington, Male or Female? (pic heavy)

I still don't know. LOL! I'm thinking hen but it's hard to tell. I have a ton of chickens and so far none have crowed or started laying yet. I plan to wait till it starts crowing before I call it a rooster. Also it will be hard to know which chicken lays what eggs because I have so many right now.
Would love to see a current picture.
I dunno....but if I was putting the boys over there and the girls over there ( which I do at about that age) I would put that one in the gurly gurl pen. But then Ive had late blooming roos in the hen pen. :-/
BOs can be tough sometimes. I was convinced one of mine was a roo right up to the day she laid an egg. Boy, was that a surprise! She had big old red wattles and a comb bigger than my RIR roo, and legs the size of small saplings. Secondary sex traits never showed up, though. I kept thinking she was a late blooming male. I was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be a girl.

Don't lose hope!
So I just wanted to post updated pictures. So I'm almost positive she is a girl because she is now 19 weeks old and doesn't look like a rooster. I am SOOO happy I didn't give her away. So, sorry everyone that guessed rooster but I think she is a girl.



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