Buff Orpington/ Orpington


Sep 20, 2019
Hi looking to possibly incubate some Orpingtons. Anyone that owns some can you please help answer some of my questions.

1) Do they get along with other breeds in your flock.

2) Are they quiet/docile/friendly?

3)Noisy egg song or none?

4) How well do they deal with confinement? ( A large run rather than free ranging)

5) Do they lay in winter?

6) Would you recommend them?

7) Are buffs quieter than other colour variations of Orpington.
I only have 1 orpington (buff) so I will be answering your questions off experience with just her.

1. Definitely! I rarely ever see my orpington peck another chicken ever.

2. Yes! My orpington doesn't let me pick her up but I have heard of alot of orpingtons that just love to be held.

3. My orpington doesn't sing the egg laying song, she only starts making quiet dinosaur noises if you approach her when she is laying an egg.

4. I keep my orpington in a coop with a large run with 7-8 other hens and 1 rooster and shes happy with her coop and run situation.

5. I live in Florida so I don't really have winter so I don't know.

6. Definitely! Orpingtons are great chickens to have in a mixed flock!

7. I don't know because I have only 1 buff and no other orpingtons.
Thank you for your response chickenlittle21! :)I keep hearing split opinions on buffs people seem to love them and then a few say they are terrible noisy!
Hi looking to possibly incubate some Orpingtons. Anyone that owns some can you please help answer some of my questions.

1) Do they get along with other breeds in your flock.
I'm not sure about this, but I hear they are super friendly and more accepting of other breeds/ chickens in general.

2) Are they quiet/docile/friendly?
Mine are super quiet. They do talk to me and get excited when I come outside. They love to interact with me, but don't like me picking them up. I'm hoping to keep trying and get them used to it.

3)Noisy egg song or none?
I don't have eggs from my buffs yet. (any day now!)

4) How well do they deal with confinement? ( A large run rather than free ranging)
Mine do ok in their run. I kept them in there for about 4 days while I was out of town, but they are EAGER to free range and have been since they were wee little chicks.

5) Do they lay in winter?
Not sure yet, but I was told they do.

6) Would you recommend them?
Absolutely! They are so sweet and gentle natured.

7) Are buffs quieter than other colour variations of Orpington.
I have 2 blues and 2 blacks in the brooder. I'll know in a few weeks :)
I have to Buff hens and a Lavender Roo, hens are quiet and calm, not exactly friendly but do tolerate checks and wound care without much of a fuss. The Roo is great with his girls but has a HORRIBLE doodle doo (sounds like he's gasping for air at the end). I incubated their eggs and have beautiful chicks now too, they hatched easily and all the chicks have been very easy to care for.
Our Buff Orpington is very friendly with people and very gentile to all the other hens. We ADORE her. She is easy to handle and doesn't mind being held. She is so fun to watch in the yard because she is so curious. We live in a mild climate but she lays very well spring, summer, fall, and we get a few eggs from her in the winter even without a heater or lamp. We have a decent size coop(4x8) with a second level floor also. a larger (8x8) run that they have access too year round. we can only let them in our yard when we are outside with them. i would Highly recommend this breed to anyone who wants to start our or to add to their current flock. Also she is quieter than some of our other chickens such as our Speckled Sussex when it comes to her egg song.


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