Buff Orpington pullets


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Olalla, Washington
Two of my pullets are buff Orpingtons. They are about 4 months old now, so no one in the coop is laying yet. The one that is definitely a hen is a normal as far as I can tell. Very healthy, her comb is reddening, her feathers are filling in and getting fluffy. The one I have a question about is also healthy, filling in nicely, very pretty, but the comb is still very pale. It's taller and the neck feathers are little darker. It stays more alert. Legs are a little thicker. I'm worried it may be a cockerel, but it has no real defining male characteristics that I can recognize. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure how to post pictures to the forum, but they are on my page if you would like to take a look.
I just made the page, and I thought the photos would be up faster and I didn't realize someone would reply so quickly! I've uploaded pictures to my account, but it keeps saying there's an error on the page and will not let me post them. Standard newb issues I gues...




both pullets

A roo would be definate roo - I had the same issue with a pullet (at about 5 months old) but once I stepped back and really looked at her, I could see it was a girl.


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