Buff Orpington Rooster bred with Brahma hen


It'd be an excellent breed! You'll get a Buff Brahma with little to no black feathers. The only issue is you might not get as much feathers on the legs, but you'll still get them. Excellent temperament, fluffy, motherly, cold hardy, and much more!
If I breed my buff Orpington rooster with my buff Brahma hens what breed do y’all think the outcome will be? And will it be a good breed?

It will be a mixed breed, not any pure breed.

You would call it a mixed breed, or a barnyard mix, or an Orpington-Brahma mix, or a mutt. (Feel free to choose whichever term you like best.)

They will probably be very nice chickens.

The color, foot feathering, and comb will probably look like a mix of the traits the parents have:
--feathers mostly buff in color (like both parents)
--maybe some black in the feathers (from the Brahma)
--less foot feathering than the Brahma, more than the Orpington
--comb size big-ish from the Orpington, but comb shape partly from the Brahma.

They will lay brown eggs, because both parents are from brown egg breeds)

Excellent temperament, fluffy, motherly, cold hardy, and much more!
:thumbsup I agree.
Here's some pictures of what you'll get (Nalla):

IMG_0027 (1).JPG


Nalla's father was an American Buff Orpington, and her mother was a misplaced breeder stock that I got lucky to get on accident, Buff Brahma. Nalla was an excellent bird. Some of the things she was most known for were adopting chicks not broody. She had a brother that hatched out with her, but I didn't keep him, so I don't know what he was like.

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