Buff Orpingtons sex?


11 Years
Sep 17, 2008
Western WI
I have four hens... or so I think I do. This is my first year with my very own hens and I am just not sure. Can anyone just tell me if I have 2 roosters and 2 hens? Or maybe just one rooster and one overly developed hen? Or 4 hens and a worried mother (me)?
They are just about 6 months old. I have read online that the roosters are bigger in size but my largest bird looks just like a normal hen.. The birds I have in question are not larger then the rest.
Am I just paranoid?
My husband is absolutely fascinated with eating one of my birds so he bugging me to figure this question out. We are not allowed to have roosters with the ordnance in our city that was passed, only hens.

This is a photo of the group...

The two I am "questioning"... The one on the bottom of the photo is my "problem" hen.. S/he is always walking into the driveway... S/he "cornered" my 10 year old this morning.. All in all S/he is the one who is always first for everything and the most cocky.
Personally S/he is my favorite.
DUH, I totally missed the 6 months part. My Orps are younger than that, and here's the roo amidst some of the ladies:


And crowing (which you should be seeing by now if you had a fella):

And a closeup:
He's coming along real nice for a hatchery bird. We have Buff Orp eggs from Jody & Charlie on Day 12 right now, wiggling healthily in their shells--can't WAIT for those!

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