Buff Silkie and Sizzle eggs, 10 eggs +


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Bryant Alabama
I have 10 eggs collected since Saturday from my Buff Silkie and Buff Sizzle Pen. I will ship extras if possibly. I would like to ship Tuesday or Wednesday.

$ 27.50 includes shipping.

Paypal to: [email protected]

Please indicate in this thread if interested. PM any questions via this site.

These are photos of some of the breeders:

Thanks you guys. I know how tempting it can be. I just had one go broody and I could not resist setting some more eggs. I Really, Really don't need any more chicks. Oh well,
The eggs will go out tomorrow and thanks again HMC.
I need to come find you when my silkie goes broody (which she has not yet to date) those are beauties and without a bator I'm at the whim of my white silkie Muppet for her mothering instinct!

Can you PM me your information so I can contact you about eggs in the spring?

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