bullying hen


10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
St. Louis
How do you stop one hen from picking on another hen? I have had serious talks with the instigator but to no avail. I have three hens and one is just not nice. Short of major actions does anyone have advice that is realistic for our small family unit? Defeathered in St. Louis
I'm looking for same solution.

I find it flares up when I introduce food. I really think it is something they learn to work out. It really depends on how smart the hens are. The four I am introducing to the flock, only one has figured out it is easier if you don't act like the sky is falling!

When I intercede, I drag it out longer.

I have two days keeping them in a smaller area, not opening the door to yard, and the four pullets are finding places to remain safe. Some of the hens are allowing them to stand nearby when feeding.

If it is a breed issue. I think the culprits are the wyandottes. I have plans to avoid them like the plague.
As they said, sometimes is a breed issue. If you can find a way to it, tells us, it will be interested to know.
I have 2 wyandotte and they really dont bully that much...

Its mostly my aracauna she is very mean.

I've had my chickens for about 2 years. They have never really picked on each other except when i was first introducing them to the coop. But the other day my rhode island red was attacked by all four of the my other chickens. After the fight she her eyes were swolen shut and her head very bloody. Since then we have nearly raised her back to health, but we are unable to reintroduce her back to the other chickens, the instant we put her in the coop she will run back out or if u close the door completely freak out. We tried individualy introducing the chickens but the rhode island would just run. Any Help?
My Gold Laced Wyandotte is the one who gets picked on the most. She is finally starting to retaliate.

My Black Sex Link is the Bully, and the only one (of Eight) who will not eat out of my hand. She is also the oldest and largest, and is most agressive at the morning feed.

The RIR's just seem to go with the flow.
I have a four year old Buff Orphington that has always been the alpha hen. In the last week she has become very aggressive toward my silver laced Wyandotte. I have separated her in a 'time out' tractor for a couple of days and when I let her back out with the flock, she normally behaves herself but eventually runs over and attacks the poor wyandotte. I tried a suggestion I saw on this forum yesterday and when I caught her in the act, I grabbed her and pushed her down on the ground and lightly pinched her neck (like a rooster would do). She didn't like it, to say the least, but did not bother the wyandotte again that day. We'll see if that works.
At our house, we eat problem roos AND hens
- just us
This is best advise I have heard to solve this problem. The best time to eat a hen is when she is a pullet. How do you prepare an older hen 2-3 years old? She's going to be as tough as an old boot.

I find that when I step in and peck back to "help" the defenseless hen, that I prolong the process. The pecker needs to think she got the last peck, so she is on top. If I peck then she thinks the victimed chicken is on top and she will try it again usually harder the next time. They were all going to bed without pecking for two nights. I let them out the next day and they came back pecking. Last night I had to hold my hand between them so the older ones would not peck. They settled in and all the hens and pullets had feathers in the morning.

One note: the young pullets were running and flapping wings today almost like when they first discovered their wing feathers when they are really tiny. Is this a sign that they are more mature and better prepared to hold their own against those old hens? Or is the broody hen sitting in the box, clicking, cooing and making sounds saying something to them that makes them want to peck? Is she stirring up the pot?
It must be that each bird of course has its own personality, b/c my wyandotte is the one that got picked on, literally pecked at, in my flock. My Rhode Island Reds are the troublemakers. We have a very large piece of property that we free-range them on, and the entire property is fenced. They insist on jumping over the fence and always end up hanging out with my neighbors when I'm not home. This is not normally a problem, but sometimes when my neighbors would have company, my RIR's would hop in their cars and try to leave with them! (they love jumping into my truck when I get home, I don't know why!) So, my solution was to clip the wings of my RIR's during spring/summer. My buff orpington and wyandotte never leave the yard on their own, only occasionally if the RIR's would do it.

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