bumblefoot healing


In the Brooder
Dec 5, 2015
One of my hens, Louise, had bumblefoot and we performed the surgery a week agi. It went well but the small lump on the top of her foot is still there. It has gone down but today I slightly reopened the scab and pushed and only a small amount of clear drainage came out. I was not able to get anything out with forceps. It seemed softer after that. She receives a round of penicillin following the surgery a week ago. My question is how long does it take roughly for the lump to go away. The bottom of her foot is clean and healing well, No swelling. Thanks!
Hello and welcome to BYC!!

It takes about 4 or 5 weeks for bumblefoot to heal completely. It is very impotant to keep the foot wrapped, clean and dry the entire time it is healing. I like to check the wound several times a week and apply some sort of antibacterial ointment and rewrap.

The wound will stay swollen for a few weeks. As long as there isn't any infection developing, just leave the hole alone.

You can stop wrapping when the scab falls off on it's own.

I hope your bird makes a complete recovery!! :)
Thanks for the speedy reply! I have been changing it daily so far and it has remained clean. I just wanted to know what to expect with the lump so thanks a bunch! I am optimistic about her recovery.
Thanks for the speedy reply! I have been changing it daily so far and it has remained clean. I just wanted to know what to expect with the lump so thanks a bunch! I am optimistic about her recovery.

Sounds like you are doing a great job with her foot!

Feet don't have a huge supply of blood in them and can seem to take forever to heal. LOL Your girl should do just fine. This time next month she should be good to go!

Keep us posted! :)
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It's been a while but Louise is coming along well. Still wrapping her foot and using ointment but she is doing great. At this point I'm just waiting for the scab to come off but she has become so spoiled with all the attention! :)
The scab finally came off of Louise's foot yay!!!! She should rejoin the flock this weekend. Thanks for the great advice!!! :)

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