Hey y'all! I just acquired a Brahma hen a few weeks ago and noticed a slight limp. So I soaked her foot and noticed a very small scab, about 1/8 inch. After the soak, I gently removed the scab and there seemed to be nothing under it but normal skin. So I wasn't sure how to proceed. The foot pad is swollen though. Well since then her limp has gotten much worse, but the skin still looks normal, swelling is about the same. I can maybe feel something hard deep inside, but I'm really not sure what I'm feeling. I ordered some Tricide Neo because I have read that it is great for bumblefoot. But if there is no opening in the skin for it to penetrate to the infection, will it do any good? Do I need to open up the foot? I ordered one of those biopsy punches to open it if necessary. But I don't feel comfortable doing that without a clear direction on where the infection is.
Does anybody have an idea what my next step should be?
Does anybody have an idea what my next step should be?