

8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Snohomish County, WA
I think I have my first case of bumblefoot. Vet is not an option. It is quite swelled and somewhat hard at center. But not out away from the 'scab" (? dark area I assume is a scab). There does appear what I guess is a scab on the center as you can see. I assume that the swelling indicates pus is present?

Research I have done indicates bumblefoot in ducks differs from that in chickens? And that the infection can be transmitted to humans?

Bath in epsom salts, wash with diluted iodine or warm soap water and lance (heaven help me) with a sharp instrument, fill with antibiotics (best I have is neospirin) and cover? Separate her from the flock until healed in thick bedding? (indoors?)

How to bath with espom salts - let her swim in bath everyday?

Suggestions for covering a duck foot?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Ciscoe comes to protect his girl while we wee examining her. Love this darned duck.
Neosporin should work. I used a gauze and medical tape when my goose had bumblefoot.
Just remember the pus is like cottage cheese so you'll need to use tweezers to get it out. epsom salt water [warm] I use a plastic dish pan and just let them stand in it for awhile or I hoild them and put their foot down into it, you don't want them to drink the water it acts like a laxative. You'll do fine but I would get someone to hold the duck wrap in a towel much easier to work on and does calm them some.
Thanks for the link with the pics. Had done a search on BYC and the web but didn't find that one. Guess I have my day cut out for me. (Bad choice of words
) Didn't become a vet because I didn't have the stomach for it....oh well. Her I go again! Oddly, Mildred is the most hyper of my hens. She was more than willing to let me examine the foot and hold her......guessing she won't feel that way once this gets started.

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