Bump / knot / lump on chick's head


🐓🦆For the Birds!🦆🐓
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 9, 2015
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
I just noticed this lump on my 3-week old chick's head. I hatched 10 chicks and this is the only one that looks this way. I tried searching, but didn't see anything that looked really similar, so I thought I'd ask the Cure Experts.

It feels kinda squishy, fluid filled. Chick is acting normal, didn't seem to hurt when I pressed on it. It goes all the way across the back crown of its head.

So to rephrase the question... does everyone think its more likely injury related and not some type of bug or illness reaction?
Thanks! He still seems to be acting fine and I saw him eating and drinking too. I noticed his neck looks a little swollen too. Guess I'll just keep an eye on it and see what happens.
If the swelling gets worse, and you think it is a leaking air sac, you can insert a 22 gauge needle or larger jus under the skin, and squeeze the air out. Then take out the needle, and apply some antibiotic ointment at the site, after holding gentle pressure on the needle site for a minute or two.
If the swelling gets worse, and you think it is a leaking air sac, you can insert a 22 gauge needle or larger jus under the skin, and squeeze the air out. Then take out the needle, and apply some antibiotic ointment at the site, after holding gentle pressure on the needle site for a minute or two.

Ugh. I read another thread where someone did that, but wasn't specific about how. Been trying to decide if I have the guts or the stomach to do it. I guess if it gets to a point where I think I have to, I'll try it.
Thanks again!
get a 3 cc syringe with a 22 gage needle pinch and lift up the skin insert the needle just under the skin go along the body not into the body. you only need to insert the needle enough to get the tapered tip through the skin the syringe gives you a handle draw back o the plunger to the 1/2 cc mark your looking for blood . if there is blood its most likely A injury if you only get air then its a air sack . If its air remove the syringe from the needle and let the air out . if you draw back blood look closely at point you first noticed the swelling for injuries .
When should I do it? I mean should I give it a few more days, or do it soon? I'll have to stop today to get syringes.
Almost forgot your baby as soon as you can if there is infection you want to get after it as soon as possible . the needle will not hurt the chick .If your going to TSC and you don't have It you should get DURVET Duramycin-10 powder 1/4 teaspoon per Qt clean water or until it looks like lime Gatorade change daily for 5-7 days I put all my new chicks on this at the end of the first week when they leave the kitchen and go into the brooder shed. you can do the needle Its easy good

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