Butcher Weight


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
So my one embdem gander's role will be our Christmas goose. First time I've raised a goose for such a task.

Anyway, I weighed him tonight on a scale I use for the goats and dogs. He was 12lbs and 4 oz. He hatched May 21st. How much growing should he do between now and, oh, mid December? I honestly planned to do him in before the snow flies, but would like to give him as much time as possible to grow. Next year, I think I'll start earlier, if I raise a goose again.
I raised an embden this year for roast goose. Well he was aptly named Dinner. He hatched April 21. I had him processed in mid to late September. After processing he was 10.6 lbs. I thought that I had read that they put on more fat now till then, or that people try to fatten them up before hand. I did not try to do this. I wanted as natural of a meat as possible. I would guess that your goose could put on a few more lbs. before Christmas.

Hope this helped.
I raised an embden this year for roast goose. Well he was aptly named Dinner. He hatched April 21. I had him processed in mid to late September. After processing he was 10.6 lbs. I thought that I had read that they put on more fat now till then, or that people try to fatten them up before hand. I did not try to do this. I wanted as natural of a meat as possible. I would guess that your goose could put on a few more lbs. before Christmas.

Hope this helped.

Yea, I won't force food on him, he eats as he wishes and free ranges. Does lots of grazing, which seems normal for geese. I want as natural and happy of a goose as possible, even if he is going to be dinner, heh.
He seems small for his age. I suggest that you let him live as long as possible to try to get some meat on him. He needs some sort of good protein between now and butcher time. Birds need protein to build muscle mass.

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