Butchering Billy Goats?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I wasn't sure whether this would be more PC to post under meat or under other animals (I didn't want to offend anyone under the other folder so I took my chances here).

Someone is trying to give away an intact billy goat and wants me to take it. I warned them that if I did I'd eat him and they're still pushing. It's a 1-2 year old African pygmy that's a little on the large size. I've heard that billy goats either need to be cleaned very carefully to keep the meat edible, or that billies are too musky to butcher at all. I can't remember which.

Does anyone know? Any recommendations/thoughts/suggestions? Since I'm used to butchering birds I'm not worried about how much meat a pygmy will yeild, just so long as the meat is tasty enough to make it worth the effort.

If you plan to use the animal for meat it should have been castrated early in life. You will have some very gamey strong tasting meat now.
Embarrassingly enough, I've never eaten anything wild so I'm not sure whether a gamey flavor is good or bad. I've heard that tarragon will help dull a strong flavor.

Do you recommend not bothering? I don't mind putting in an hour's work butchering for a little meat - I do mind doing it for no meat.
I wouldn't eat it. Gamey = tastes wild and full of the stench of male goat. I have even seen them stink so bad when cooking you lost your appetite for eating. Many male domestic meat animals not castrated are nearly unedible. I have tasted hog that was butchered and not castrated - I could NOT eat it. The taste is beyond strong and lingers. Bleh!
I've heard the same thing--gamey! I would just sell him and make some money!
If only. Pygmy bucks can't even be given away out here. At times I'm convinced no one would take a Pygmy buck even if it came with money.

I'll tell them no. That sounds a wee bit too strong for my liking.

We raised goats for meat. Young bucks were casterated at a week old and milk fed for six months. This guy is way too old to be intact and still be worth the trouble to eat. Many zoos will take such animals on for feeding their animals. I would suggest that the owners give a large zoo a call. Hate to waste the animal.

I love goat meat... however, I'm not sure I would enjoy buck meat. Similar to pigs which get "boar taint" from eating non-castrated males.

If you do use him, expect to make lots of curries out of it rather than having medium rare tenderloins. And by all means, go to a custom slaughter place who know what they are doing!!
Gamey...I kinda hate that word. :eek: I hunt and process/eat a lot of wild game and quite frankly, it tasts good!

Not sure about domestic goats but I have shot plenty of rutting big game such as deer, pronghorns and bears. Even though on the outside these animals stunk pretty bad, they tasted great on the grill. I have eaten wild boar and it was just fine.

I think the way it is processed is key to what taste and texture you will end up with.

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