Button Quail Mating Sounds! LOL!


10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Does anyone else think the sounds their Buttons make when mating sound like little piggy noises? I heard mine for the first time last night and it cracked me up
sounded like a little oink oink oink
OMG! How funny! I may have to get some buttons of my own, they sound too cute for words!
Oh, wait, your's are mating, will you have eggs for sale?

Oh, never mind, you're in Australia. darn it!
edited because I'm geographically challenged.
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Sonja, my male makes that piggy noise too. After having Jap quail for awhile (took mine back and swapped them for buttons) the buttons make the sweetest little sounds. Mine even make a cute wolf whistle sound sometimes too. My male makes a sound like he is blowing up a balloon sometimes - wish I knew what their different sounds really mean?
Unfortunately, that's not the mating sound. Males and females both do that. It's kind of their way of saying "Hey, where'd you go?"

The mating sound, or crow, that only males do is a sound similar to wind blowing
That would be the crowing sound, that only the males make

Try seperating one that has been with another for a while. Both will make the 'hehehe' sound, as a way to find each other
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So Shelley my balloon blowing male is making his mating song then.
Thanks for telling me.
Is there a book out there on what all their little sounds mean? Would love a copy.
Also why do these guys moon dance? Mine all do it at the same time, its funny to watch.
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ok i might not be the mating sound but mine both only make this crazy little 'oink oink oink', when Mr Quail is on Mrs Quail and doing his thing. Its alot diffrent from their normal "hey, where'd you go?" sounds.
He also does this "come here, ive got this for you" noise which is a 'thunk thunk thunk' where he lowers his head when he gives a treat he's found.
Do you have any White Button Quail? A friend of mine in Australia is looking for White Buttons or potential White Button eggs.
I doubt I could ship eggs that far let alone customs mess...

Do you have any White Button Quail? A friend of mine in Australia is looking for White Buttons or potential White Button eggs.

There's a quail australia website that's just come about to look for and also farmstock your friend could advertise to get some.


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