BUY IT NOW: Serama mix, silkies, cochin, showgirl, LF English Orpingtons


13 Years
Apr 25, 2011
1. 2 black & white serama x phoenix cockerel's $10 each or both for $15

2. silkie partridge lavendar color rooster has a straight comb $10

3. partridge showgirl silkie rooster $25

4. several naked neck silkie cockerel's with smooth feathers $10 each

5. black & red partridge color cochin bantam rooster $15

6. black split young english orpington cockerel's several available $15 each

7. silver game bantam hen with a white and black rooster $20

8. brown color bearded serama project pullet she has a pea comb the only reason why I am culling her from my flock $25

9. lavendar silkie rooster $25
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I want the golden duckwing serama but I need a female for him too! May I see more pictures of the serama hens you have?

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