buying of baby chicks in October. I'm looking for Aranchaunas


11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
I would like to find some aranchauna chicks, pullets to be specific.

Is anyone out there know of a hatchery or somewhere close that I could pick some up. I live outside of Lexington, Ky
They are actually spelled Araucana which are the tufted/rumpless and the Ameraucana have tails/muffs but not tufted and there are a limited number of colors that are in the standard...They both lay blue/green eggs. Then there are Easter Eggers which muffed and tailed as well and they will lay anything from blue/green to brown from what I was told. You shouldn't have a problem finding any when you are ready. There a lot of folks on here that either sell or know someone that does.

Don't forget to say "Hi" in the Ky forum... Cindy
I bought some Ameraucanas from a guy in Waddy recently. They are great birds. Not quite the same as you were looking for, but if you're interested I can find his number for you.
I have "Point of Lay" pullets for sale$20.00 each. Rumpless Clean Faced. All from Blue Eggs. Shipping for 4 in a new Omni Box would be $85.00.

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