Buying Roosts


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
Can anyone tell me where to buy reasonably priced roosts. I would like 4. 2x2 is is 1 x 4. I have been looking at the McMurray site and it seems very expensive. i.e. "Clear plastic egg cartons on sale $25.00 per 50' ???The roosts are at least $150.00 for a 4 roost pre-fab.

Thanks In Advance.
Do you mean nest boxes ?

Roosts are what the birds perch on and 2x4's laid on the flat side work well, as do smooth tree branches, etc.

Nest boxes are for the hens to lay their eggs in. Any number of items can be used for nest boxes - 5 gal. buckets on the side, storage bins, old chest of drawers, boxes, etc.
You certainly don't have to spend much money to provide a good place for your girls to lay their eggs.

I think if you do a search of this board, you'll find there are many ideas out there for nest boxes.....

dish pans
'recycle' containers
pet taxis
litter boxes, with or without covers
fruit crates
cardboard boxes
book shelves
milk crates

Be creative and recycle you already own that you aren't using.

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