Official BYC Poll: What other animals do you have besides chickens?

What other animals do you have besides chickens?

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Tarantulas...a little on the wild side.
byc snap out of it.gif
A little! A LOT!
One of mine went feral today and drove one hour here to tell me she was starving. Made her a tuna sandwich and gave her all the eggs I could find and told her goodbye. 🙄😭
She drove all the way home to get food!? I would have just found a Five Guys or Panera or something 😂🤣 although I have a feeling it was less about the food and more about missing you guys already? ;) shoulda let her stay a bit LOL 😜
Do people really have insects as animals?
People really keep scarab beetles, praying mantises and tarantulas as pets.
And scorpions! I heard of someone having a scorpion once. Also people keep those giant Madagascar hissing cockroaches as pets too. And centipedes, millipedes, etc. and some people raise insects like crickets, Dubia roaches, mealworms etc. for their reptiles.

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