I have a silkie rooster who literally almost died from wry neck 2 months ago. I also have a banty black wyandotte rooster. The silkie is a bit of a force and the wyandotte (chunky) is the biggest scaredy cat rooster you ever saw. Twice now I have caught the silkie pinning Chunky in the corner of the coop and had to go out and rescue him. He had no damage except a beak full of dirt and a small nick on his comb. The first time I picked up the silkie and let chunky recover, this time I had to pick up chunky because even though the silkie had run off he was just laying there. He was okay after a bit and it was sunset so I returned him to his roost.
My solution is, to add some perches and roosts to my outdoor space because we have none right now and the silkie cannot fly/jump at all. Would this improve chunkys life? I dont want him to live in fear (though he is afraid of everything) and he may be happier being rehomed? The silkie had wry neck for a month so I dont expect him to live a long life but it could be years...
My solution is, to add some perches and roosts to my outdoor space because we have none right now and the silkie cannot fly/jump at all. Would this improve chunkys life? I dont want him to live in fear (though he is afraid of everything) and he may be happier being rehomed? The silkie had wry neck for a month so I dont expect him to live a long life but it could be years...