Hi and thank you in advance for your thoughts
I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or the chicken behavioural section.
Anyways, I have a Bantam Langshan just over two years old.
For various reasons, today she was clucking louder and more often than she usually does. She is a bit of a whinger but was more vocal about it today; hens not being where she thinks they should, hens on the roost when they should not be etc. Her frequent protests required many breaks from work to run out and see that all was OK.
Anyways, this afternoon, when I let them out for a free range, she proceeded to tell me how bad her day had been and when talking to me her 'voice' is sort of gravelly.
She appears quite happy otherwise, scratching, eating, drinking. Her comb is still nice and red and she has no nasal or eye discharge. Her breathing is normal and not strained. Poops look OK also.
I am probably just being a worry wart and while I do not think she is ill, I will feel better if I knew chickens 'lose their voice' from overuse the same as we do?
Edited to Add: Gravelly is probably not a correct description, I think Hoarse would better describe it.
I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or the chicken behavioural section.
Anyways, I have a Bantam Langshan just over two years old.
For various reasons, today she was clucking louder and more often than she usually does. She is a bit of a whinger but was more vocal about it today; hens not being where she thinks they should, hens on the roost when they should not be etc. Her frequent protests required many breaks from work to run out and see that all was OK.
Anyways, this afternoon, when I let them out for a free range, she proceeded to tell me how bad her day had been and when talking to me her 'voice' is sort of gravelly.
She appears quite happy otherwise, scratching, eating, drinking. Her comb is still nice and red and she has no nasal or eye discharge. Her breathing is normal and not strained. Poops look OK also.
I am probably just being a worry wart and while I do not think she is ill, I will feel better if I knew chickens 'lose their voice' from overuse the same as we do?
Edited to Add: Gravelly is probably not a correct description, I think Hoarse would better describe it.
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