Can a chicken strain her voice??

Newfoundland Chick

In the Brooder
11 Years
May 12, 2008
On Sunday, my 4 hens started cackling loudly - & they kept it up for about an hour. Yesterday I noticed that my Americaunas hen had lost her voice - a voice that is usually VERY loud...when she wants something. All she's doing is making these pathetic little "peep peep" sounds. Is her voice just strained???? Or should I be worried?? I'm mystified!
You don't happen to have a heater in their coop, do you? My rooster lost his voice that way. It was freezing one night so we turned on their heater and poor Kip could hardly crow the next morning!
I'd imagine so. All my roos, after a vigorous crowing session, squeak pathetically.
So yes, I think they can stain their voices.
Yes...I do have a small space heater that I turn on periodically when it's very cold. Why would that impact her voice I wonder...dust from the fan? She's still not talking! Just peeping. It's a relief to know that they can strain their voices through vigorous squawking - I'm hoping that that's all it is - she's fine otherwise. Here's my baby, laying her first egg in September 2008.


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