Can adult ringnecks eat Gamebird Starter?


14 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everyone I've been to all the feed stores in my town and the only kind of pheasant food I can find is gamebird starter for pheasant chicks, so I have been feeding my adult ringnecks gamebird starter with cracked corn mixed in. Is this ok? Or is it not good for them to eat the starter?
You might end up with some fat birds.
Have you tried asking any of the stores if they can get an adult gamebird feed for you? Our little local feed store doesn't always keep gamebird on hand all year, but will get some in if you let them know. They just don't sell much and don't want it setting around getting old. The adult feed is usually cheaper too.
Every once in a while the feed store will run out of pellets, and I'll have to get game bird starter. I haven't ever had a problem, and in my own opinion I'm sure the extra protein helps keep up weight during my cold winter.

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